The Best Workouts for Sexual Stamina
Imagine that the thing you want most in the world is at the top of a steep mountain. You lace up your hiking boots, strap on your backpack and set out to reach the summit with a smile of iron-willed determination. The climb gets steeper, but you persevere. The rocks under your feet crumble and you slip backwards, but still you push on. The air grows thin and just as it seems the thing you want most in this world, the thing at the top of the mountain peak, is within reach, your lungs give out and your knees buckle. You slide backwards, trip and tumble until you’re back at the bottom of the mountain with no backpack, one hiking boot and zero energy to try again. Now imagine the thing at the top of the cliff is an orgasm.Reaching the heights of sexual pleasure can sometimes seem impossible, especially if your own body is working against you. Luckily, there are steps you can take to sexercise your way to better sexual stamina. We asked sex, health and fitness experts which workouts they recommend to clients who want to have sex longer, stronger, and well, just plain better. Here’s what they had to say:
5 Exercises for Sexual Stamina

1. Make it Bounce. The workouts you do to increase sexual stamina don’t have to be boring. In fact, Sex Therapist Jacqui Olliverrecommends one that you’ve probably loved since you were a kid — jumping on a trampoline. “Rebounder
bouncing, or bouncing on a mini trampoline, increases blood flow to all
areas of your body and strengthens your lower body support muscles
including your pelvic floor, abdominals, hips, thighs and lower legs,”
says Jacqui.
for 10 minutes a day to enhance your overall health and sexual
fitness.” Feel a little silly bouncing around? Set up your trampoline in
your TV room and bounce while you watch your favorite show — or watch
music videos and jump along to the beat!

2. Focus on Strength. According to Personal Trainer and Nutritionist Brandon Mancine,
“There are 10 physical skills that can be developed to enhance
performance. Of the 10, strength has the greatest carryover to every
other skill. So if you’re looking at sex as an athletic performance (and
you should, for you and your partner's sake) work on pound for pound
strength. This type of training also happens to elicit a hormonal
response that will increase sex drive so its a win all around.”
exercises does Brandon recommend for building strength? “Squats will
have the greatest effect on total body strength, kettlebell swings are a
great addition as well for a easy to do anywhere strength, power,
endurance workout (good hip action too!)” You can do these in the TV
room too, but we definitely recommend swinging the kettlebell AWAY from
your flatscreen.

3. Stretch It Out. Ever wonder why dancers have a reputation for being great in bed? Donna Flagg, the creator of Lastics,
credits it to the flexibility that comes from consistent stretching.
“I’ve had many students tell me, (very surprised) that their sex lives
improved from my stretch classes. And if you think about it, it makes
perfect sense. Stretching (if you’re doing it right) not only creates
flexibility but also control in the muscles, particularly in the
pelvis.” Try Lastics for yourself, or create your own stretching in the
morning or before and after your regular workouts.
4. Practice Second Position. Jennifer McCamish is a former Radio City Rockette, personal trainer and owner of Dancers Shape,
a barre and Pilates studio in Austin, Texas. She agrees that when it
comes to improving sexual stamina, you can learn a lot from professional
dance. “The stronger and more flexible you are around the hip joints,
the easier it is to spice up your sex life by exploring different
positions that might normally be difficult to get into or hold for an
extended period of time,” says McCamish.
help achieve these goals, she recommends getting into second position.
“Bend your knees as low as you can without letting your shoulders
collapse forward or your tailbone stick out. Engage your abdominals back
towards your spine and pull your ribs together so you are supported
through your lower back. Begin to dip one inch down and lift one inch up
and feel the weight in your heels with light toes. With each lift,
exhale and feel the area between the sits bones and pubic bone pull
together and upwards.
to McCamish, “This exercise will work the most critical muscles needed
for enjoyable sex, the pelvic floor, while at the same time stretching
and strengthening the inner thighs, glutes, quads and knees to help you
conquer more exciting and adventurous sexual positions. It also builds
body awareness so you know what muscles to activate for a more intense
climax.” Sounds like it’s worth a try to us!

5. Pace Yourself.
Want to know how to have better sex? One of the easiest changes you can
make is varying your pace. Alternate between faster, more forceful
thrusts and slower, more sensual moves. This will help with sexual
stamina by making it easier to stretch out sessions, and it’ll also
build up your sexual energy so when you orgasm you REALLY orgasm.
Fitness Trainer and Health Coach Clint Fuqua says a great way to work on switching it up is to do sprints and HIIT (high intensity interval training).
“Even if you’re going for a marathon session in the sack, you’ll need
to be able to go from slow to fast pace over and over again. The best
way to keep your body from giving out before you get off is to make sure
it can handle all the ups and downs for as long as you want to go or
until that little blue pill loses effectiveness.” The more you practice
sprints and other cardio of the HIIT variety, the easier time you’ll
of these moves will help you sexercise your way to increased sexual
stamina, and the more work you put in outside the bedroom, the easier
it’ll be to put in work inside. But keep in mind that your overall
performance level is affected by other habits and choices too! Here are
just a few more things you can do to keep yourself at peak sexing shape: 
● Stay hydrated throughout the day● Limit your alcohol before sessions● Eat a balanced diet full of whole foods● Limit your refined sugar intake● Stick to a consistent sleep schedule● Take a daily multivitamin● Limit smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke● Remember to slow down, switch positions and change things up
that above all, sex should be fun! So if you’re straining and
struggling don’t be ashamed to take a break or suggest a different
position, or to break open that free sample of Astroglide to cut down on the friction. Anyone who isn’t understanding and accommodating isn’t worth doing all that sexercise for anyway.Have you tried any of the moves we mentioned? Have your own unique tip for increasing sexual stamina? We’d love to hear it — post a comment and share your thoughts!
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