ASTROGLIDE is the next generation personal lubricant. Its trade secret formula in its 22nd year is soothing, moisturising and virtually indistinguishable from natural body moisture. It provides the highest level of slipperiness and retains its lubricating property for hours.

Sunday, 30 May 2010

Putting "Men" into menopause

It's no surprise that a number of Astroglide's faithful users are women struggling with vaginal dryness, which can be an uncomfortable and rustrating symptom of menopause. If a decrease in the body's natural lube wasn't enough, according to Mayo Clinic, other symptoms of menopause in women may include hot flashes, sleep disturbances, mood swings, increased abdominal fat and thinning hair.

In short, the beauty of youth's worst nightmare.

To help women cope with some of these changes and provide support, one need only Google “menopause” to find a wealth of information. From, devoted entirely to providing information on menopause and its effects, to 'Menopause The Musical'.

But what about menopause in men?

Male menopause—though not widely known—does, in fact, exist. “Andropause”, as it is formally known, can impact a man's feelings, health and mood. According to the “FOXSexpert”, Yvonne Fulbright, it is entirely normal for men to experience a decline in testosterone beginning around age 30, with most men's testosterone lessening about 10 percent every decade. By age 70, a male's testosterone level could be at half the level he had in his late teens/early 20s.

In addition to changes in a man's sexual functioning (Hello Purple Pill!), he can also experience lethargy, increased irritability, memory problems, depression, bone and muscle mass loss, less beard growth, sleep problems, hair loss and/or increased fat.

So what are the options for men experiencing these symptoms?

Fulbright suggests visiting your physician for a blood test to check hormone levels. This will help to rule out any other causes such as thyroid problems. If low testosterone levels are the culprit, testosterone replacement therapy may be an option. Outside of medical treatment, it is also important to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle and remember that menopause is not the end to one's sex life.

Fulbright concludes, “ nurture your sexual relationship in ways that aren't reliant upon your sexual functioning or performance. After all, there's a lot more to your sexuality - and to expressing it - than what testosterone should determine.”

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