ASTROGLIDE is the next generation personal lubricant. Its trade secret formula in its 22nd year is soothing, moisturising and virtually indistinguishable from natural body moisture. It provides the highest level of slipperiness and retains its lubricating property for hours.

Sunday, 30 May 2010

Putting "Men" into menopause

It's no surprise that a number of Astroglide's faithful users are women struggling with vaginal dryness, which can be an uncomfortable and rustrating symptom of menopause. If a decrease in the body's natural lube wasn't enough, according to Mayo Clinic, other symptoms of menopause in women may include hot flashes, sleep disturbances, mood swings, increased abdominal fat and thinning hair.

In short, the beauty of youth's worst nightmare.

To help women cope with some of these changes and provide support, one need only Google “menopause” to find a wealth of information. From, devoted entirely to providing information on menopause and its effects, to 'Menopause The Musical'.

But what about menopause in men?

Male menopause—though not widely known—does, in fact, exist. “Andropause”, as it is formally known, can impact a man's feelings, health and mood. According to the “FOXSexpert”, Yvonne Fulbright, it is entirely normal for men to experience a decline in testosterone beginning around age 30, with most men's testosterone lessening about 10 percent every decade. By age 70, a male's testosterone level could be at half the level he had in his late teens/early 20s.

In addition to changes in a man's sexual functioning (Hello Purple Pill!), he can also experience lethargy, increased irritability, memory problems, depression, bone and muscle mass loss, less beard growth, sleep problems, hair loss and/or increased fat.

So what are the options for men experiencing these symptoms?

Fulbright suggests visiting your physician for a blood test to check hormone levels. This will help to rule out any other causes such as thyroid problems. If low testosterone levels are the culprit, testosterone replacement therapy may be an option. Outside of medical treatment, it is also important to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle and remember that menopause is not the end to one's sex life.

Fulbright concludes, “ nurture your sexual relationship in ways that aren't reliant upon your sexual functioning or performance. After all, there's a lot more to your sexuality - and to expressing it - than what testosterone should determine.”

Saturday, 29 May 2010

Long Weekend Away

When you order a “Sex on the Beach” this Australia Day weekend, you may get more than you bargained for. If you plan on making the coming weekend memorable for you and your significant other, you’ll want to spend the three days somewhere outside of your usual stomping ground. But, like many busy couples across the country, you haven’t had time to plan out a romantic getaway.

To really take advantage of the long weekend, follow some of these last minute travel ideas, courtesy of your friends at Astroglide Personal Lubricants.

• Emphasis on “bed” – In the history of mankind, has there been a more romantic getaway idea than packing the car and heading to a bed and breakfast? You might have a little more trouble booking one in the Dandenong’s, Hunter Valley, Sunshine Coast, Barossa Valley or Margaret River but there are plenty out there. Quaint and cozy, a bed and breakfast is a great place to book your days with shopping and picnics and your nights with—well, what happens behind closed doors stays behind closed doors.

• By the beach, boy – What better way to bring in the summer than a nice, cold Sex on the Beach? How about a hot one? Head to the water this holiday weekend to spend some time in the sun and let your troubles melt away. A little stress relief and a lot of sun offer the perfect combination for getting in the mood.

• Out under the stars – Dust off the tandem sleeping bag: it’s time to pitch a tent. Load the car with plenty of food to roast over the fire and lace up your hiking boots for the first solid camping opportunity of the summer. It’ll just be you, your significant other, chirping crickets and a black sky full of bright stars. After all, getting in touch with nature is a great way to get in touch with each other.

• Room with a view – Maybe you aren’t a fan of the outdoors—but you can get some great views and some serious sun in the city if you find the right hotel. Look for a hotel with amenities, like restaurants, bars, pools and the like. If you want to get away from it all and have some romantic, stress free time with your significant other, you don’t always have to move horizontally. Think vertical to spice things up.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Great in Bed

Great in Bed... You don't need 10 tips when two will do!

The Kama Sutra and the rascally Rabbit are fine, but if you're into supersizing your sex life, these two tips will turn your bedroom into a Hot Zone.

•First, use a lubricant. Always
Whether or not your guy uses condoms, a great lubricant is essential to great sex. Astroglide isn't called Astro-Heaven for nothing. You get a moisture boost that has to be experienced to be believed. Nothing on earth compares with its wet and wild slide.

•Second, go deep.
When applying Astroglide (or any lube), don't use it just on the outer areas of the vagina. Apply it as deep inside as possible. That's where the action is, and that's where it turns into the wildest glide of your life.

Here's a bonus tip: If your guy wears condoms, add a few drops of Astroglide on the inside. It makes slipping the condom on easier, but the real excitement starts when your guy feels the glide against his skin. Not only that, but it reduces condom-breaking friction to let you relax and enjoy. Many guys who use Astroglide tell us they can't feel the condom, which is often its biggest hurdle. The earth will shake.

Try it, you'll thank us later.

Condom Courtesy

Condom Courtesy Safe Sex is still Important--
and savvy females know their lambskins from their latex.

Is it polite to offer a gentleman a condom? Should you keep a condom in your evening bag? Who's in charge of going to the shop and buying them? Today, smart women know the rules of the game when it comes to using condoms and take responsibility for safe sex and preventing unwanted pregnancy. What are the new rules?

Astroglide Personal Lubricants has some suggestions you won't find in Granny's etiquette book.

•Read the Wrapper
Learn how a man puts on a condom. Then, instead of listening to "Aw babe, I don't wanna wear one," you can turn the tables and offer to help. Putting the condom on can become a very sexy part of your foreplay.

•Don't Rely on the Guy
Single females should keep a reasonable supply of condoms in the bedside table, the medicine chest, even in a favourite purse. Otherwise somebody's going out in the cold at 1 am to find a shop that's open.

•Reasonable means two. Three tops.
Even if you buy everything by the case, a value-pack of 50 assorted condoms just sends the wrong message.

•Oh, it's so cute and tiny!
Most condoms are one-size fits all, and that's the size to keep on hand. Those marked Xtra-Fit, Super Size and Big Boss will only intimidate the less generously-endowed. If a previous guy had difficulty finding condoms big enough to fit, it's not necessary to mention this to your new guy who is having no trouble at all slipping into an "average."

•Go for the glide
Even men who hate condoms will change their tunes if you introduce a drop or two of Astroglide personal lubricant inside the condom. It's off the Richter scale when it comes to sensation and reduces condom-breaking friction. Guys enjoy the sensation so much, they beg to wear a rubber bootie next time. Never use Vaseline, massage oil or petroleum products to lubricate...they break down the latex. A good lubricant like Astroglide will turn safe sex into spectacular sex for both of you.

•Restraint, please
Never tear the condom package open with your teeth. It may save your manicure, but it's a behaviour that can frighten a sensitive male and may lead to spontaneous deflation.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

5 Ways To Change Your Life Starting Today

5 Ways To Change Your Life Starting Today
Ever been stuck in a rut? Find yourself waking up in the mornings and can’t get motivated to crawl out of bed? Living the life you thought you always wanted, only to find it’s not the life that makes you happy? Getting stuck isn’t the problem. It’s not doing anything about it that is. Here are five ways you can move forward on changing your life radically today. In the comments, share how you are taking steps to making big changes in your life, no matter how big or small.

1. Recognise Your Rut.

How to know if you’re ready for a change? You don’t think it; you feel it. That’s when you know it’s time. When the down days outnumber the up days, the boredom is overwhelming, and you just can’t take it anymore. Often times, change comes not when you’re ready to make a change, but when you can’t stand not making a change for one more day. The first challenge lies in locating exactly what or where the problem is. It may sound New Age-y, but meditation can help you find it. Is it in your head, your heart, and your feet? Are you looking for love, ready to make a move, longing for a new job? Visualising the block will help you navigate your way around it.

2. What You Want To Do Is Not the Same Thing As What You Think You’re Supposed To Do.

Identifying where and why you’re stuck is one thing. Trying to discern where you want to go next is a whole other thing. At times, we find ourselves in conflict over where we’re headed in life. Is this what we really want to do, or what we feel obligated to do? Is this our “path,” or the one that our parents created for us? If we’re doing what we’re “supposed” to do, why don’t we feel like we’re doing what we want to do? It can help to start by making a simple two-column list. On one side, list everything you think you’re supposed to do. On the other side, list everything you wish you could do. In all likelihood, with it written in black and white in front of you, you’ll be able to see that what you want to do is sometimes the exact opposite of what you’re “supposed” to be doing.

3. Make A Plan That You Can Stand To Live.

Hopefully, by now you’re starting to have some kind of a vision of the new life you’d like to create for yourself. Dammit, you’re moving to Sydney, and no one, not even your bank account, is going to stop you. You are quitting your cubicle-based position and going back to University or TAFE to get a degree in psychology so you can help people, not copy other people’s stuff. You’re starting that novel, despite all the other demands on you, before it’s too late. Take one action today that gets you closer to where you want to be. Write the first page. for rentals. Scout universities online. The energy will snowball. You will leave inertia behind you.

4. Get Practical Before You Get Crazy.

Tragically, you may not have a handy magic wand at your disposal, and there is this bothersome thing called reality to contend with, so you have to keep your feet on the ground at the same time that your head is in the clouds. Make sure that as you move forward, you’re touching base with what’s actually doable. Can you go back to university or TAFE and still afford your lifestyle? Take into serious question the realities of how you live your life, rather than pursuing a dream that’s too impossible to achieve. If you can’t forgo organic tomatoes, you may need to hang on to your high-paying job for a while longer, while you work on making a killing with your start-up clothing line on

5. Turn Your Idea Into Action.

You’ve figured out what you want, you’ve drawn up a plan to get there, and you’ve struck a balance between making changes and keeping it real. In my experience, the biggest determining factor in finding personal and professional success is the small stuff. Do one thing, no matter how small, every single day. What will kill your dreams is anxiety. What ensures your life won’t change is not taking a risk, no matter how tiny. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Start the chain reaction today. By Susannah Breslin The Frisky