ASTROGLIDE is the next generation personal lubricant. Its trade secret formula in its 22nd year is soothing, moisturising and virtually indistinguishable from natural body moisture. It provides the highest level of slipperiness and retains its lubricating property for hours.

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Spring into Romance with Astroglide

Let the Sun and Beautiful Weather Help Your Sex Life Bloom This Spring

The birds, the bees and the butterflies represent the beginning of spring and the blossoming of romance. As the snow melts away and the trees come alive with the sounds of spring, nurture the buds of romance and warm up your sex life with some ideas for making the most of the outdoors with your date, courtesy of Astroglide Personal Lubricants.

• A season for festivities. Spring is a time to celebrate, and what better way to do so than sharing the love outdoors at a festival? Whether it's as large as an art festival or as small as a farmer's market, you and your date will be able to enjoy the warm weather and a little exercise with plenty to see and ample time for conversation.

• Ain't nothing but mammals. If the birds and the bees aren't enough, add the monkeys, the lions and the exotic birds to the equation with a trip to the zoo. An inexpensive option for enjoying the weather with plenty of visual stimuli, the zoo offers an array of conversation points to start your date off on the right foot.

• Outdoor antics. Want to build the intensity? Getting busy outdoors is a sensually stimulating way to throw a little spice into your love life—the more taboo, the more exciting! If you're getting it on outdoors, we suggest using a private balcony or rooftop.

• Let love grow. Botanical gardens are just beginning to thrive when the spring rolls around. A casual stroll through the beauty and fragrance of a garden can help set the mood. And, if you play your cards right, you might just get a lesson in the finer points of pollination.

• Batter up! Both of your favourite sporting games is a fantastic way to spend a spring afternoon or evening with your date. Enjoy the sights and sounds, nosh on some peanuts and celery, have a couple of drinks—and you might just end up hitting a home run by the end of the date!

• Get your blood pumping. Spring is the time to skip the treadmill and get some fresh air while you exercise. Whether it's a hike, bike ride or 5k run/walk, take the date outdoors for a little physical fitness. After all, getting each other worked up could work for you when the date is over.

Ants aren't the only ones who enjoy a good picnic. You can't say enough about a picnic date—spreading a blanket at a park or beach, a packed picnic basket, a nice bottle of wine and the sun shining above you. Dining alfresco is the perfect activity for some quiet alone-time in the beautiful weather.

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